Tuesday 23 August 2011

Clippity Clop

Clippity Clop was made last summer after a failed attempt at camping with me, Mr T and The Greenwood-Lamberts. We did manage to go for one night but it rained all night and we were floating by the morning.

Not wanting to ruin the whole weekend we used the refunded camping money to buy crafting materials and spent the rest of the weekend hanging out and making stuff, Clippity Clop is the result.

Here is his sexy back, he is actually a deep Cadbury's purple but I just cannot get my camera to stop looking blue, grrr oh well you will just have to trust me when I say he is totally adorable :D

Clippity Clop, Clippity Clop, Clippity Clop!!

Love Lola x

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